Thank you for taking the time to fill out a DPR Cat Adoption Application!
Typical processing time is about 1 week.
Please contact your vet and give them permission to speak to us, this will expedite the process.
If you rent, please make sure you are knowledgeable of your landlord's pet policy BEFORE submitting an application - they will be contacted.
Our Feline Adoption Contract can be found at the following link (Please note that is NOT the application!)
Approval for an adoption is not granted until after meeting with a DPR representative.
Thank you for your interest in adopting!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Applicant Age*
Please list the ages of all persons living at this residence.*
What type of home do you live in?*
Do you own this home?*
If not, please list the name and phone number for your current landlord
Tell us about you and your family, and why you are interested in adopting?*
When would you be available to pick up this cat? *
The yearly cost of owning a cat can run up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars. As part of adopting a cat or dog from DPR, you commit to proper veterinary care, including spay/neuter within five months of age if not already done, as well as keeping the cat up to date on all vaccinations and yearly veterinary checkups. Can you commit to all of this? What is your limit on vet expenses?*
Will your cat be indoor, outdoor, or both? If you have cats currently, are they indoor or outdoor? *
Please describe your feelings on declawing. Have you ever had a cat declawed? *
Are you going to declaw this cat? *
Is anyone in your household allergic to cats or dogs? *
In what areas of your home will your cat be allowed?*
Please list any pets you have had within the last 5 years: Type, age, and whether they were spayed/neutered. If they are no longer with you, please state reason why.*
Are your pets up to date on vaccinations and seen regularly by a vet?*
Your current and/or past Vet's name and phone number. *
Personal Reference (name, email address or phone number, and relationship to you)*
If you have a dog, describe how your dog interacts with cats.*
If something were to happen to you and you were no longer able to care for your pets, what would you do with them?*
Have you ever surrendered any animals to a shelter or had to rehome a pet? If so, why?*
Which of our available pets are you most interested in? Choose an animal: Alice Beedle Beedle & Tizzy! Cheesecake & Funfetti Cinnamon Bun Delilah Ganon Gypsy Leopard gecko Luca Macrinus Milo Nancy Robin & Sparrow Tizzy Zelda - Adoption Pending
Would you be interested in another pet if the one you applied for is already spoken for? If so, please briefly describe the kind of pet you are looking for. *
I hereby give permission to Delaware Pet Rescue to contact my veterinarian to obtain information about past and present pets. I also authorize the rescue to verify the above information. I do understand that DPR makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee as to the size, health or disposition of any cat because DPR is uncertain of its background. I also understand that if I adopt a pet from DPR, the animal will have to be spayed or neutered if not already. Please type your full name to reflect electronic signature.*
Anything else you would like to tell us, or any other comments you may have?